Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do they come in Mace Windu Purple?

I think all that is required is three words.  Light. Saber. Earrings. =D

Lady like

I really love girly detailed dresses like this.  BUT I also sometimes like to grunge them up with leather, or patterned tights and boots. Either way...I'm loving this dress.

Steampunk Time

I'm a sucker for a good watch.  The steampunk thing kind of intrigues me too.  So it's a very solid combination in my opinion.

Papasan Chair

I have this chair.  It is my favorite place to sit.  And nap.  And read. And do basically anything that one can/should do in a comfortable chair.

Flask Garter

Seriously.  It's the perfect crime.  EXCEPT that you can't wear it with pants.  Then it just becomes an alcohol fanny-pack for your thigh.

Cinderella's Non-Glass Heels

I don't like Cinderella, but something about these shoes remind me of her in a good way.

Spiderman and Cooking

The man of my dreams would not only love to wear this, he would cook something delicious while doing so.

Charmander Hoodie

How great is this Charmander hoodie?  Not the most "fashionable".  But definitely awesome. Get it here.