Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do they come in Mace Windu Purple?

I think all that is required is three words.  Light. Saber. Earrings. =D

Lady like

I really love girly detailed dresses like this.  BUT I also sometimes like to grunge them up with leather, or patterned tights and boots. Either way...I'm loving this dress.

Steampunk Time

I'm a sucker for a good watch.  The steampunk thing kind of intrigues me too.  So it's a very solid combination in my opinion.

Papasan Chair

I have this chair.  It is my favorite place to sit.  And nap.  And read. And do basically anything that one can/should do in a comfortable chair.

Flask Garter

Seriously.  It's the perfect crime.  EXCEPT that you can't wear it with pants.  Then it just becomes an alcohol fanny-pack for your thigh.

Cinderella's Non-Glass Heels

I don't like Cinderella, but something about these shoes remind me of her in a good way.

Spiderman and Cooking

The man of my dreams would not only love to wear this, he would cook something delicious while doing so.